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Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's About Time - making it that is

Everyone has the exact same amount of time in the 24 hour day. We all have 1,440 minutes to use during the course of a single day. How we choose to use those minutes is where we each differ greatly. The optimal word here is "choose". Setting your priorities typically will dictate how those precious minutes will be divided up into segments called daily life. How one decides what those priorities are and how they will be set depends on the complicated act of balancing being a part of a family, earning a living, tasks and chores for the day, etc.

It seems that many folks express their concern for the lack of time to "get it all done." Obviously, the problem isn't the lack of time but the decisions one made about how to choose to allocate those finite 1,440 daily minutes.

I always hear the excuse, "I didn't have enough time", "I just had too much on my plate today", "I tried to take time, but…,” etc. For me, something just doesn't ring true with those attempted justifications. How could one not have enough time when the amount of time is always the same? How could you have too much on your plate, did you forget the plate is 1,440 minutes a day? The biggest so called excused that makes me crazy is not being able to take time. Where are these people taking time from? Is there an extra stock pile that I am not aware of?

The value of time is not something too difficult to understand. The supposition of how to utilize your time depends on your choices. What do you want to do with your time? If you choose to have a family then you have already determined that a significant amount of your 1,440 minutes are going to be devoted to them. If you choose to have a certain job/career then you have predetermined a minimum amount of those 1,440 minutes will be dedicated to earning a living. If you have chosen to on a hobby or exercise regimen, again you have concluded that it will consume some portion of those limited 1,440 minutes of each day.

The phrase, “couldn’t take time”, is one that needs to be removed from our English language. People do not take time for anything. People make time for everything.  People choose how to spend 1,440 minutes of every day of their life. Clearly, we have some exceptions to consider and that is when one is incapacitated or unable to make choices on their own. But let’s stick with the typical. One must make time not take time for every choice of every day.

Please don’t take time out of your day for me. I want you to make time for me. I want you to choose to spend time with me, to choose to make time to do something for me, to choose to make time to visit with me, etc. Forcing time isn’t a genuine demonstration of being a true friend. If you can’t make time, don’t take time. It ruins the purpose of time together.

It is really simple don't you think, when you really think, hard and serious? Give me one good reason why can't we make time for those things that are important to us?

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