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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Go Directly to Jail - or are you an addict

We all, well most of us, have been raised that when you break the law of the land you pay the price for that action. Do the crime and then do the time. Pay your debt to society and we are good, call it even, and move on. Is it that simple? I am not so sure that it is. In fact, I am positive that it isn’t that simple.
I want to focus on one of the most common crimes committed so frequently that I really don’t think anyone could quantify it. Illicit drugs are grown, manufactured, sold, used and abused. Keep the word illicit in mind as we continue though this thought process please.
Why are illicit drugs or licit drugs illicitly used and abused such a huge problem within our American society? Let’s stay on the fact the drugs we are discussing are classified as illegal or illegally used.  I have already blogged about that subject.
Should someone who has been “busted” for possession of an illicit drug be incarcerated? Well, they broke “the law of the land” right? Yeah, they did but what about the reason why they are involved with these drugs to begin with? Is it used for recreation, is it used to mask something more serious, or is it abused because of an addiction? Shouldn’t those considerations be made before imposing a standard sentence to be jailed or imprisoned?
Recreational use is not a reason to incarcerate someone I mean really! Need I explain? Purposeful abuse to numb oneself from some form of pain is not a reason to incarcerate someone! Abuse to provide oneself a fix is not a reason to incarcerate someone! Let me break it down for you to really see what my attempt to make a point really is all about.
Does anyone have any statistics for the bodily harm inflicted of another by a recreational user? Oh, I forget we only keep track of and publicize those statistics from drunken driving accidents. I just can’t get past the hypocrisy of the whole legality of pot verses alcohol but I digress. How about that ever growing group of people who use the illicit drugs to numb their pain? Now don’t forget that their pain may be emotional or physical. Shouldn’t we look at the cause of their pain instead of just one of many symptoms for self medicated? Perhaps if society provided the proper systems and support mechanisms for addressing those who are struggling we would be able to help those individuals. They are unable to cope emotionally with their life or the complications of an illness. Now addicts are the most egregiously offended individuals. These people do not need incarceration for their illegal actions. These people need care and compassion. We as a society should be helping those addicted with their addiction.
Incarceration of any drug abuser is not solving their problem; it isn’t a deterrent to abuse, it doesn’t solve any of the core problems, it encourages continued abuse, it turns addicts into criminals to support their habit, and it is only consuming valuable space needed for those criminals that are violent and a threat to society.
It is really simple don't you think, when you really think, hard and serious? Give me one good reason why can't we help those with drug problems instead of incarcerating them?

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