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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Diggers - as in Shovel Ready

We (America) took extraordinary steps to abort the almost inevitable "global depression". Well some time has passed and I now look back at one step in particular that still eludes me. Shovel Ready projects. Remember those, or at least remember hearing about those? Has anyone seen one of these projects being completed? I can't say that I have seen anything close to it. Here in Charlotte we were at the back end of the "great recession". All I remember seeing are the booming construction sites around everywhere coming to an instantaneous halt. Oh, maybe those companies and their employees were rushed over to work on those "shovel ready" projects. I checked, nope.
I tried to follow the "user friendly" website of the governments $700 Billion TARP spending but, well, it is the government's attempt to be transparent, so no need to say more. I just wanted to see what all this money was being used for besides bailing out the banks, insurance companies and auto makers. I really would like to see what OUR money did besides fill the bank's pockets. They still aren't loaning it to anyone so what is the money doing? Are they letting it go to seed? Damn, I keep forgetting that money does NOT grow on trees. It's not even paper made from trees, which is a good thing. I digress.
The money is out there somewhere. If anyone knows where it is or if you got any of it please let me know. For me to really understand how much went to "shovel ready" projects I need a breakdown in simple terms provided by our government. That is fair to ask of our bloated bureaucratic bunch, isn't it? It is really simple don't you think, when you really think, hard and serious? Give me one good reason why can't we have an easier method of tracking the "investments" we (the tax payer) have made?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Emotions - is it Love or Fear

When you think about the root of all emotions do you agree that they all stem from one of these two, love and fear? The experts say that an emotion is the experience of a state of mind that is interacting with (the internal) biochemical and (the external) environmental influences. They say that emotions can be blended with one another like colors on a color wheel. Blue and yellow make green for example. Both of those ideas are reasonable and I agree with them. I take it a step further. I think that if tested most emotions come from love or fear. I do believe that at times both can be the root for one or more emotions.

Let's put my theory to the test. How about we start with an easy one like joy? Obviously, that stems from the love of something. How about anger? Obviously, that stems from the fear of something. How about these emotions: contempt, guilt, indifference, curiosity, euphoria, awe, despair, pity, surprise, or pride. How does my theory support these emotions? Are they simply rooted in one or the other or could they be a blend of love and fear in different proportions. Think it through. These definitions will help you to see that often the blend is of emotions based on love or fear.

Contempt - the feeling with which a person regards anything considered mean, vile, or worthless; disdain, scorn.

Guilt - the fact or state of having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, especially against moral or penal law; culpability. Indifference - lack of interest or concern.

Curiosity - the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.

Euphoria - a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states such as mania.

Awe - on overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.

Despair - loss of hope; hopelessness.

Pity - sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, of misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid to show mercy.

Surprise - to strike of occur to with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment as through unexpectedness.

Pride - a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

Hate - to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest.

Can you hate someone without fearing them? Let's see how that works. First you have to qualify your hate. Why do you hate someone? Could it be because of fear or because of love? Doesn't it depend on whose perspective you are considering? Why wouldn’t you fear them if you hate them?
It is really simple don't you think, when you really think, hard and serious? Come on give me any good reason why all emotions don't root themselves in love and fear?

Deep End - as in depth of thought

Often I have the pleasure of making the time to think, to ponder, to wonder, etc. Most of the time it is in the morning while playing with the dogs, watching and listening to the birds and taking in the beauty that surrounds me.

It is at night when I find it the most luring to dive deeply into my thoughts. My chores are done, it is finally quiet, and I have some time alone; this is when I have my deepest of thoughts. I look at what the world has presented for the day, what I have personally been dealt for the day, and what I have dealt to others for the day.

When I begin my journey into my deepest of thoughts I often am so immersed that I don't have a sense of the time. Eleven O'clock, Midnight, One O'clock...time ticks on and my mind still digs deeper into my thoughts of the current day, experiences of most recent, and memories of the distant past.

When one has made the time to really and intensely think about anything, isn't it refreshing? Do you find that you are most energized when you have made time to think, to wonder, to ponder, etc.? The ideas that come, the memories that you relive, the possibilities you foresee. It is all so relative to one’s own mind. Yet, when you have those thoughts there are others you include in your ideas, memories and possibilities. Do they too, find the same emotions within the same thoughts that you have? It seems so all too often that when I have had a very deep and moving thought, there is someone else in my life that has had the same deep and moving thought. Is is a coincidence? Do you find that the connections with those who share your thoughts are the most in tune to your feelings? It is a very gratifying feeling to have someone close to you think about the same thing you are thinking of.

The key to digging into your deepest thoughts is making the time to do so. Don't take time, make time. There is a great difference between the two. Too many folks don't make time because they feel they don't have the time. Everyone has the same amount of time. Choose how you use it. It is really simple don't you think, when you really think, hard and serious? Give me any good reason why you can't make time for something, someone, and yourself...