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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tests - not the kind in school

It amazes me that there are such stark differences between Internal Medicine Practitioners. I recently, by chance, found a different doctor at the office I always have gone to since moving here in 2006. That chance happened to be very much in my favor. It turns out that the issues and concerns I have had for some time now are actually being taken seriously. This new doctor sat and listened to me go over a list of concerns with great interest. She asked many questions to ensure she clearly understood what my symptoms have been and for how long I have had them. I left that first visit about a month ago feeling like I may actually have some solutions to the problems, "that I didn't really have" according to the other doctor.

Not only did this new doctor take me seriously, she actually ordered tests to help in her accuracy with the evaluation of my health. Now we aren't talking about a blood test or two. I have had a battery of tests and have seen a pulmonary specialist as well. He too, ran multiple tests that I hadn't had before, let alone ever heard of or known about. I still am not half way through with the tests and from the looks of things it is going to be awhile before they are satisfied with their thoroughness.

I find myself in a bit of a mental and emotional conflict. I am very pleased to be taken seriously, finally! I am also happy that I am getting the care I deserve. I am however, a bit nervous about the results of the tests. Now that I am into it knee deep I will now find out what the problem(s) are. I remain positive and hopeful that anything I will find out can and will be treated with success. Still, there is that little voice in the back of my head whispering to me. I hear that whisper mostly at the peaceful times of the day and night as I am trying to sleep. I try hard not to listen to that little voice whispering to me but I have to believe it is there for a reason. One that I won't know until all these tests are completed and the doctors make their determination(s).

So far nothing serious has been determined regarding my health. Ok, so I have Asthma, it runs in the family. No surprise for me there and I am not pleased but I am not overly concerned either. But that is the tip of the ice berg. There are several other issues yet to be discovered and revealed. As each test result comes back and the next steps are taken I am sure I will feel better regardless of the outcome. Hey, being able to breathe now is pretty cool.

It is really simple don't you think, when you really think, hard and serious? Come on now and give me any good reason why doctors can't all behave like doctors are expected to behave!

1 comment:

  1. Let me first say how relieved I am that you have a team of doctors that are your health advocates. All too often, as we have all experienced, our doctor(s) are dismissive and cold to our concerns & needs. It is vital that everyone is assertive & firm in their needs/expectations of their medical team. If that team does not live up to the needs then it is time to move on!

    I hear that little voice during the peaceful and dull parts of the day (particularly at night). I have learned to listen and embrace that little voice. Even the annoyng and/or ambiguous voice has something to teach us.

    You are among those that support, love and are always here for you. Next time that voice taps in your ear, you give your old friend in California a call! We will care for and compare what our little voices are saying! =)
