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Friday, February 12, 2010

Victims - ones without common sense

Common sense is a topic that would take too much time to blog about in entirety, but it can be broken down into situational stories. Makes it easier to chew on although not any easier to swallow.
Recently, I took over the liaison position of our neighborhood watch program with the local police department. Let's say that includes about 300 homes. OK, so one of the issues we continue to have is during the overnight hours are that some of the vehicles left out in the driveway are being broken into. Wait it gets worse, not the severity of the crime, the reason for the crime to begin with.
Our neighborhood is in fairly upscale area and most of the time don't have many crime issues to deal with. With the fact that the homes are rather large, the builder was smart enough to install all of our homes with outdoor security lighting. These big bright lights cover all four sides of the property/home very nicely.
Here is the dilemma I have with the lack of our neighbor/victim's common sense. You know the ones that obviously have high paying careers...they had to get there some how, how they did it without common sense is...yet another blog topic. To me it is a no brainer that if you want to prevent someone from picking your home to target for a burglary or an auto larceny you might want to have those existing security lights ON overnight. Hey how about putting your car in the garage instead of leaving it in the driveway, (because you have so much crap in the place where the vehicle would be parked). I got another idea that could deter prowlers is it ummmmm, I don't know...locking the doors or rolling up the windows of the car that is being left out in the driveway. The last and most obvious prevention step that I would recommend is that you DON'T leave your cell phone, navigation devise, wallet or yes, even the keys to the car in the car that is unlocked, with the windows down, parked in the dark corner of your driveway.
The best part of all of this is that when we talk with these people about taking appropriate steps to safeguard their home AND our neighborhood, most of them don't care. Yes, most don't care. Often a reply is "oh, it's just the neighborhood kids causing trouble." So let me get this straight. Our neighbors not only are oblivious to doing the commons sense things to secure their home/property it is likely their own children are committing the very crime we are dealing with so often? What? Really?
It is really simple don't you think, when you really think, hard and serious? Come on...give me any good reason why people can't turn on those security lights, take their property into the house, and lock the doors on the car?

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